Saturday, December 08, 2007

Decision 2008- Rudy

Stardate 12-08-2007

Its time for Darth Spencer to weight in on the 2008 Presidential race. I know my literally thousands of readers have been waiting for this type of post for a long time. As you know, my influence will be great. Look what people have been saying about me.

"Darth Spencer has a world wide audience. He has been a major influence in Germany, Singapore, Hungary, England, Canada, and other major nations. He has readers in key red and blue states. Obama should have thought twice before asking Oprah to join him on the campaign trail. Darth Spencer would have reached a much broader audience. Plus, Oprah may be powerful, but she is not a Dark Lord of the Sith."
-- Spencer Davis, Statistics courtesy of Google Analytics, et. all

I'm also a major influence with the Christian Right. As you can see below, I've made the list of Most Influential Christian Ministry Blogs.

The first candidate to be examined will be Rudy Guliliani. He claims to be tough on national security and also claims that he will solve the alien problem. I'm not sure sure. Take a look at how he handles, or should I say fumbles, this question about aliens.

Rudy seemed completely caught off guard while trying to answer this question. Its almost as if he'd never even thought what he really would do if aliens attacked. I've got news for you Gules, if you were President and aliens attacked, we'd all be dead. Your response to this child's question lacked creativity and I'm pretty sure your alien defense plan would also lack creativity and brains. I like living so you simply won't due. You've officially been taken off of Darth Spencer's list of possible Presidents.

I hope you are excited a I am to study and learn about all of the candidates over the next year or so leading up to the Race in '08.


cblakes said...
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cblakes said...

DS - What is your opinion of President Reagan's view of aliens?

Spencer Davis said...

I looked for a while at the link that you sent me and I could not find any article about aliens or Reagan. Help me find it so I can read it and give you a fair and balanced opinion.

cblakes said...
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cblakes said...

the long urls won't work here. I emailed you the links.

Kyle said...

Wow-we are extremely fortunate to have someone with your intelligence and insight break down the presidential race for us. Which candidate will be next?

Ian said...

With Rudy's record, the next thing you know he will be arguing for amnesty for aliens, so that they can come to the US to steal our jobs, too. I'm glad there are resources like this blog that keeps people informed.

Anonymous said...

is david duke still a write in candidate?