Sunday, June 03, 2007

Heroes Finale

Stardate 06-03-2007

For me, the first 22 episodes of Heroes was like this kid getting his Nintendo 64, and then the finale was like getting the remote control car. The video says it all. A special thanks to Kyle for first posting the video on his blog. I've watched it about 5 times already.

Here is a list of things that would have made the finale better.

1. Mr. Bennet should have killed that annoying little girl, Molly. I realize that's brutal to kill a little kid, but she is so dang annoying, and we wouldn't have had to put up with crap like this, "You're my hero officer Parkman." "Please don't die officer Parkman. You're my hero." Killing a little girl would have given that darkness back to Mr. Bennet that made him such a great and creepy character for the first half of the season. Also, they keep saying that she is the only one who can stop Sylar. This makes no sense. The Haitian and Eden were both able to put Sylar down earlier in the season. Molly is expendable and would have made for good collateral damage in the finale.

2. The finale wasted some serious time with the story line of Ando and Parkman going after Sylar on their own. Why would either of them think that they could kill Sylar on their own when both of them have seen what he can do. These events were not even important to the lack luster ending.

3. Instead of the time they wasted with Ando and Parkman, they should have focused on Hiro and his back story. In one of the online comics, we find out that Hiro is short for Hiroshima. He was named Hiroshima because his grandfather died in the nuclear blast. They should have tied this idea to the bomb going off in NYC and Hiro's desire to stop it.

4. The showdown at Kirby Plaza between Peter and the rest of the Heroes against Sylar was totally boring. We have a whole group of people with super powers and all they did was punch each other? I've given it some thought and this is how things should have gone down. The first thing we see is Peter, staring at Sylar in the plaza from afar. Peter goes invisible and starts running towards Sylar. Though Sylar can't see him, he can hear him and with the quickest of reactions he uses his telekinesis to cut down a light post and sends it hurdling at Peter. But Peter is one step ahead of Sylar. He knows what his thoughts are because he can hear them, so right before the pole hits him, he becomes uninvisible and flies straight up into the air and then straight down and plows him into the cement. After they both get up, Peter and Sylar commence to sling different items from around the plaza at each other. It is clear that Sylar is more powerful or at least has more control over the telekinesis and Peter is wearing down. Its at this moment that Sylar lifts up the water from the fountain at the middle of the plaza and sends it flying at Peter. At the last second, Sylar freezes the water and huge icicles impale Peter's body, the largest of which goes right through his head. Sylar belts out a scream of excitement and rage. Excitement because he has killed Peter and rage because he has damaged Peter's brain. He knows that he will be unable to collect Peter's brain and steal his powers.

Right away, Sylar knows that this emotional breakdown is a mistake. He has left himself temporarily vulnerable right at the wrong moment. He looks up and sees Hiro appear out of thin air. Hiro runs at Sylar and starts slashing his samurai sword at him. Right before the blade is about to slice of his head he stops it with his telekinesis. He pushes Hiro back and faces him and realizes that he can stop the force of the sword with his mind. With one hand behind his back, Sylar signals with his other hand for Hiro to attack him once again. Again, Hiro runs at Sylar and a battle begins; Hiro using his sword, Sylar using his hand and mind (think Luke and Vader in a light saber duel mixed with the moment in the Matrix when Neo discovers that he is the One and he fights Agent Smith with one hand behind his back). After a while, Hiro steps things up a notch and begins to teleport. One second he's in front of Syler, the next he's behind him. Everytime he reappears, he slashes at Sylar. If not for his ability to hear everything, Sylar would surly die. Eventually Hiro wears him down and appears directly behind Sylar in a crouching position and Sylar isn't quick enough to stop Hiro from slashing both of his Achilles heels. Hiro slashes, and we see blood splatter everywhere and hear the flesh cut. Sylar drops to his knees. Hiro teleports so that he is standing right in front of Sylar, looking him directly in the eye, and plunges the sword right into his gut. Hiro withdraws his sword and Sylar topples over.

Hiro sees Peter lying on the ground dead and runs over to help him. By now however, the icicles that impaled Peter's body have melted and his brain and other parts of his body have regenerated. He sits up right in time to see Sylar grab Hiro with his mind and send him flying at the wall. Peter sees Hiro teleport at the last moment. Syler struggles but gets to his knees. Peter sees his hands light up like a torch and realizes that Sylar is going to set off the bomb. At the last possible moment, Peter decides to sacrifice himself and flys away with Sylar in hand. The rest of the Heroes look up into the sky and see the nuclear explosion go off.

These things would have made for a very interesting and exciting finale. I think the biggest problem was that people who watched the show, including myself, really like Sylar as the bad guy, and I think that they felt that they should try to keep him around for a little longer. I don't think it was worth it to have the finale end like it did, with Sylar getting away.

There were one thing that I really liked about the finale and it will be interesting to see if it really means anything. The last thing we see as we pan out of Kirby Plaza is a trail of blood leading to an open sewer hole. If you look closely, you can see a cockroach climbing down into the hole. This is only cool when you think back to the first time we meet Mohinder while he is teaching a class back in India. Speaking of evolution, he says this, "We are not the pinnacle of so called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food, remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created himself in his own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach."

What did you think about the finale? What do you want to see in Volume 2? Are you at all worried that Heroes will go down hill from here? How would you have made the fight between the Heroes and Sylar better?


Ian said...

Your ending is way better than the real ending. I also thought the ending was pretty lame. It made no sense to me to have Nathan come and fly away with Peter. He didn't need to sacrifice himself. There were a bunch of people right there who were ready to shoot him. And it wasn't even that bad to shoot him because he could just regenerate, especially with Claire right there. Very stupid. They could have done a much better job of making it a real battle of the Heroes. I understand that they are just learning to use their powers and may not be the best in battle just yet, but at least make it exciting.

Still, I am excited for next year. I like Sylar as a villain, and I am interested to learn more about Linderman, Sulu, the Petrelli's mom, and Simone's dad.

Spencer Davis said...

I am also excited to learn more about these people. The very first shot we see in the Pilot is of Peter's dream of himself flying. He wakes up in Simone's father's loft. At first I thought that these dreams of the future must be a power that he has taken from his mother, but after seeing the finale, I think its more likely that these are Simone's father's powers.

My favorite episodes this season were the ones that spoke about the Company's history. I hope for much more of that in Volume 2.

cblakes said...

I agree that your ending would have been better than the finale's. My disappointment in the final showdown reminded me of watching battle scenes in X-Men 3 and The Fantastic Four. It just seems like the creators aren't pushing themselves.

One thing I think would be cool in season 2 is if a couple of "heroes" do band together for some reason, good or bad (that's not contrived or X-Men-ish). I really liked seeing the future Peter and Hiro battle together. I guess that's an element mentioned in this post that was missing from the final showdown - teamwork. It's satisfying to watch people, knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses, work together well. It was boring to see individuals line up and try to take Sylar down one by one.

I also thought Hiro could have used teleporting better against Sylar. I didn't think it was plausible that he ran for a second before "killing" Sylar.

I didn't make the cockroach connection! That's awesome; I think it's reinforcing the idea that Sylar is the most powerful of all, but despicable at the same time.

Spencer Davis said...

Nice thoughts Cblakes. That would be fun to see some groups, both good and evil form to fight eachother. There is a problem though and its the same problem I ran into while thinking out my fight between Sylar/Peter/Hiro. So far we only see two Heroes who can heal or regenerate. Everyone else can die. I really wanted to have Peter light up his fist and send a vicious right attomic blow to Sylar's face. Though it would have been awesome to see Sylar's face melt off, he surely would have died. The writers would have to be really creative and have the right people fight eachother. I guess physical violence isn't the only way to fight someone, so maybe we will see more of that.

I'm glad you enjoyed the cockroach connection. I think its significant. There were numerous times during the season that Sylar told people that he wanted become the most evolved or the pinacle of evolution. I'm excited to see him continue to try to do this.