Monday, February 11, 2008

A Fistful of Quarters

Stardate 02-11-2008

My woman and I watched and both really enjoyed the documentary King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. The documentary follows underdog and out of luck Steve Wiebe as he attempts to break the 20 year uncontested Donkey Kong record held by "The Gamer of the Century", Billy Mitchell. Here is what I loved about the movie: Classic Good vs. Evil story, an amazing cast of side characters who are the epitome of nerd, and a deep and insightful look at Donkey Kong.

Enjoy some Youtube about the King of Kong

Here is a group of clips featuring my favorite side character

If you still want to know more, here is a clip explaining why Donkey Kong is the most difficult game of all time

Another thing that I loved about this movie was seeing the underdog try to break into and earn the respect of the existing gaming community. Its amazing to see how terrible they treat him and the lengths they go to discredit him.



Allison said...

once again, glad to see you are busy at "work"...

to share a girls opinion, It was really good. I never thought a movie about an arcade game would actually hold my attention, but that it did and then some. It made me grateful that Spencer just reads a comic book from time to time. I can't imagine being married to someone that hardcore. At the end of the movie it gives you an update on who currently holds the world record. I wanted an update on Steve's marriage.

cblakes said...

Awesome - I've been dying to see this movie for a long time. Both of your approvals makes me even more excited. A lot of people are miffed that FFOQ got passed on an Oscar nomination. Do you think it deserved one?

Amber said...

So apparently everyone knows about this movie but me! It's coming on netflix today and I'm going to go home and watch it tonight! Looks amazing, thanks for the recommendation.

Ian said...

By Allison' reaction, this sounds like a good "perspective" movie to watch with wives. That way, when they complain about Star Trek ornaments on the Christmas tree, a Star Wars book on the coffee table, or a LOTR sword hanging on the mantle, you can refer them to this movie, and they will realize that they don't have it that bad after all.

3703 said...

LOL. My wife gets so upset when I come home and play games too. Now I know I am not alone.

How about the guy with the glove, has anybody ever heard of that game? Its great that he's number one, but number one at a crappy game. Its definitely not donkey kong.

Spencer Davis said...

I'm glad that I've planted a seed in all of you. A seed that will hopefully blossom into you seeing and enjoying this great movie.

I loved it and yes I think they got snubbed.

I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to your follow up.

You are correct. I think Katie would enjoy this as well. Not only will Katie put your hobbies into perspective, she will also be grateful that she married such an attractive "semi" nerd.

Mr. Rumble-
I'm glad that you appreciated Todd's glove as I did. I've never seen nor heard of the game that he plays. I think you should set out on a quest to defeat him.

Katie said...

Given Allison's additional recommendation, I think I would watch this movie.

Darth Spencer, Ian and I were discussing last night how impressed we are that you have stuck so faithfully to your genre in blog posting.

Ian, I cannot imagine a wonderful wife who would "complain" about such items. I thought she was rather patient and understanding in allowing them to decorate the home :)