Thursday, November 08, 2007

Heroes Gets Good Again, Or Does It?

Stardate 11-08-2007

Darth Spencer must start out this post by declaring that Darth Spencer is brilliant. Back in May of 2006 I made a prediction on my blog that a future storyline for Heroes would involve the disease that Molly was suffering from and that Mohinder's little sister died from. In this weeks episode, we found out that in the future, this disease kills 94% of the population and though it is not as effective as Captain Trips, 94% is pretty deadly. I also predicted that we would find out that Claire also suffered from this disease but was able to fight it off because of her ability to heal. It turns out that the company has told Mohinder to bring Claire in to poke her with needles and do experiments on her in order to use her body to cure the mutating disease. That said...

This volume didn't exactly start out with a bang. We've had to deal with new story lines and uninteresting new characters, minus Takezo Kensei. Finally things appear to be moving again. Claire's dad, HRG, is evil and scary again. There is some new and exciting mystery surrounding Peter, Takezo Kensei, and Hiro, and we know what evils the Heroes are facing and what will happen if it isn't stopped.

I am really excited about these things, but there are a few things that I am not happy about. Heroes has been too inconsistent in their story line. Here is what I'm bugged about-- Molly. At the end of last season we go to know the most annoying little girl in the world a little better. It was stated that she was the only one who could defeat Sylar. Did the writers forget that both the Haitian and Eve, the chick with the power of persuasion, were able to capture Sylar without any problem? At that point, the company could have killed Sylar, but for some reason, decided not to. That aside, we are supposed to believe that Molly can somehow bring Sylar down just because she can point to where is he is on a map? I don't buy it.

Then, while she is searching for Sylar, they ask her if she can find anyone. She replies that she can find anyone, except for "him." "Who is he Molly?" "The Boogieman." So the writers make us believe that there is someone out there who is much scarier and more dangerous than Sylar. This season we found out that the boogieman was Parkman's dad and that his ability was the same as Parkman's, but more refined and dangerous. Then we found out this week that the boogieman was not the scariest bad guy after all, but just the hit man for the scariest bad guy.

So who is this scary bad guy? There was very little said about him. We know that it was he who formed the Company and that Linderman was his protege. It sounds like he is the Magneto of the Heroes. He wants to wipe out the world and its inhabitants, but spare those with special abilities? Come on writers. Lets stop stealing ideas from the X-Men.

I still love Heroes and believe that it is one of the best shows on TV. I'm excited to see where this season goes. Hopefully the writers can keep it original.


Ian said...

I have also had mixed thoughts about Heroes this season. I like Peter's Bourne Identity storyline (except for his annoying girlfriend; how are we supposed to believe that he fell instantly in love with someone who isn't even likable; I was glad they shipped her back to Ireland).

And I mostly liked Hiro's adventures in Japan.

But I really liked the twist of Kensei showing up in the warehouse pretending like he knew Peter. I think that Kensei is the bad guy behind Parkman's dad, driven by his desire to get even with Hiro.

cblakes said...

Tag. Bookmark.

I will read this post in a year when I watch the DVDs.


Katie said...

Nice work on the prediction Spencer.

Spencer Davis said...

Ian I had that thought as well. I made the connection after we saw that Kensei was still alive. Two things. First, the note that Peter had from him said something to this effect, "We were right, the company is evil," or something like that. Second, all the pictures of the old company members that have been killed by Parkman's fatehr had Takezo's symbol on them. Here was the only thing that kept me from including this info on my post. Wasn't Nathan Patrelli looking at the picture and say, "I know everyone but this guy." after that, the guy from the company explained that he is the evil guy behind everything, not Parkman's father. Didn't we see this picture as well. I can't remember 100%, but I thought it was some old white dude.

Anyway, I'm glad Sark is evil again. He makes such a great bad guy.

Amber said...

Ok. So what if Peter and Kensei really do work together? Peter has the ability to time travel, Kensei could have Peter go back in time to kill members of the Company. Didn't Mr Nakamura's killer have the same build as Peter? What other events throughout history have Peter and Kensei changed?

Spencer Davis said...

I do believe that Kensei is bad. I do believe that he is probably manipulating Peter to some degree. But I don't believe that Peter could ever be bad. From the beginning of the first season and already in this season, it has been emphasized that Peter cares more about others and doing good then he cares about himself.

That said, I really like your idea that it was possibly Peter who went back in time and brought back Kensei. I had just assumed that Kensei could not die and had lived for this long. Your idea is more interesting.

3703 said...

Ian, I agree, his girlfriend is lame and I am glad she got left in the future.

All this time travel is so hard to deal with. Kensei living for centuries, or peter traveling back to bring him her, but did kensei ask peter to go back and get him? If so, how did he get there in the first place, would that create two Kensei's, would that have created two separate worlds? My head has not had to deal with such perplecxtion since Frequency (2001).

How did Sylar survive? Is he an animagus and turned into a cockroach? Incredible.

The mexican chick is hot, but kinda boring to the american demographic.

Veronica Mars is boring too.

Do we have anymore confirmation on Mother Patrelli's ability? Before we thought it was that she made people dream (as peter dreamed or prophesied that he must save the cheerleader) I just know that when peter was with her in the future she helped him remember his past(daydreams?). I would also like to see her die.

Can King Midas turn people into gold? That would be a great self-defense. I am just wondering why he hasn't been killed yet or if he wanted Kensei dead, he should have just made him gold and sold him.